There is a nationwide school nurse shortage - School Health Partners is here to help

Although many feel like the pandemic is over, the healthcare industry is far from staff recovery. Because of severe burnout and career changes, the nursing industry is still facing a critical shortage nationwide. The policy lab reported that, even before the pandemic, staffing shortages existed amongst school nurses. Only 40% of schools employed a full-time nurse and 25% of schools did not have a nurse in any capacity. 

Without your nurse’s important role of improving health equity in your school, teachers will feel overwhelmed, managing student health and administrative duties, all while doing their most important job, teaching your students. It is important that school organizations have a qualified nurse who takes the health and safety of students seriously, so that students are ready to learn. 

Here are a few ways School Health Partners helps to alleviate the school nurse shortage in Washington, DC.

We focus exclusively on school and student health: Research from the National Library of Medicine shows that our services like developing care coordination plans, assisting families in accessing health insurance, and implementing health education programming have a positive impact on improving student attendance and overall student outcomes. 

Unlike other nurse staffing agencies, School Health Partners (SHP) focuses exclusively on school health and education partnerships. SHP doesn’t provide health services in other industries, which allows its experts to be dedicated to collaborating with schools.

"Right now, many schools and education-based organizations are experiencing challenges when it comes to hiring for positions, on almost every level. From essential educator positions to administrative roles and support staff, the pool of qualified talent is thin. We understand that school leaders are focused on recruiting and retaining team members to fill these critical positions, but when it comes to healthcare and nursing support, we are here to help!” Sharon Bostic, CEO of School Health Partners

All of our nurses have worked closely with children: We’re committed to students' health and academic success just as you are, which is why all of our nursing staff is either from school settings or the pediatric field. Staffing a nurse who has worked alongside children adds another layer of comfort, trust, and health precautions for both students and school staff members.

Partnering with School Health Partners frees up some of your time and resources. Let us focus on recruiting and hiring a school nurse to meet your short-term or long-term nurse needs. We are here to partner with you, providing nursing services to help your students stay healthy and ready to learn.” Sharon Bostic, CEO of School Health Partners


3 ways to work with your school nurse to get a head start on students’ health